Monday, February 14, 2022

An Update on Updating

Updating has been sporadic of late. This is why.


I'm associated with the publishing cooperative Book View CafĂ©. All of my e-books and print books have been developed in association with them. As a cooperative, they help in proof reading, copy editing, book formatting and preparation. I work on their books and they work on mine. 


This virtuous circle enables production of my work.


Back in December, the site crashed and we took that opportunity to build a brand new site. This has occupied a bit of our time.


This blog is cross posted with the BVC blog. I've been somewhat loathe for the two blogs to get too far out of sync. It's happened anyway and that's the way it goes. All of these pieces will come back together in time, hopefully in the near term. But that hasn't happened yet.


Until it does, I will be posting entries in this blog that will likely not be cross posted to the BVC blog. 


I'm not sure the form, content, or schedule of those entries. We'll have to see what happens.