Monday, October 19, 2009

Idiots On Parade

(Picture from here.)

Mostly, I ignore them. I mean, I don't like people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, Faux News, etc. But while they are toxic and destructive they are not traitors. They are just idiots.

But it's possible I'm missing something.

Newsmax is a conservative rag that lives on the internet. I don't bother to fact check it like I do Coulter or Buchanan. It's just too low on the food chain. They are somewhere below Glenn Beck on the evolutionary scale. You know that scale: Politicians, tapeworms, Glenn Beck, cesspool bacteria, Newsmax. Unpleasant but probably inevitable.

However, at the end of September one of their contributors essentially said a military coup against Obama might be a good idea. The original entry was pulled-- you can see where it was, and the relativistic velocity of the Newsmax backpedal, here. Fortunately, the internet never forgets anything. You can read his actual text here.

Sure, he's an moron. That's a given. But this is the logical end point of the conservative religion. It starts with denying that those that disagree are not real Americans. It proceeds (along Ann Coulter lines) to calling them traitors. It continues with people going to presidential events armed with handguns. It ends with a call for revolution.

I didn't call for a coup when Georgie was in office. I didn't call Ann Coulter a traitor, though she called me one by proxy.

Look, folks. Like it or not I'm an American. Believe it or not, I love my country and I voted for Obama. I like him still. That doesn't make me a traitor. It doesn't require me to where a golden "L" on all my clothes. And it sure doesn't empower idiots like John L. Perry to call for a coup.

Tom Tomorrow said it here.

Wall of Idiots
Pennsylvania GOP
Fly geyser
Modern Contrarianism
The Republican Base
Bill Maher

Links of Interest
2009 Nobel Prizes
Failure of Government
Climate sensitivity to CO2
Innovations of 2009
Homosexual fly porn and other stories
V: Giant mechanical elephant
Magnetic monopoles and here
The Hoffmann Kiln
Evolution of Reading
Why Olympia Snow is important
60% of US can be self sufficient from renewable energy
Landfill biogas
Sentient cities
Underwater Maldives

Low Tech Resources and Links
Fruit fly trap
Easy bran muffins
Fun kits

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