Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find, Part Deux

(Picture from here.)

There's a contributor to the Ann Coulter comments section name Annvestite. I can't bring myself to link to Ann Coulter-- I don't have a shower handy. I mentioned the contributor earlier.

The usual caveats: this applies only to the current, post Gingrich, Republican party. I actually liked Eisenhower.

I can't vouch for any facts in this. Just it's entertainment value.

You might be a Republican if........ Part II

1) You were angry when a liberal group called General Petraus "General betray us," but you were proud when a junior congressman shouted out "Liar!" at the president, because he was a Republican.

2) Your definition of healthcare is when you and your family are covered through your work, but anybody who isn't is just a cheapskate who would rather spend his money on unnecessary junk.

3) You determine a person's patriotism by which party he's registered with, rather than whether or not he actually votes.

4) You believe bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to the US for trial is just a ploy to embarrass the Bush/Cheney administration by shining a light on their war crimes. Wait -- did I say war crimes?

5) You believe the recently revealed notes by Russian hackers refute all 35 years of accumulated global warming data; compiled by tens of thousands of meteorologists, physicists, astronomers, geophysicists, NASA, environmental engineers, geochemists and atmospheric statisticians, and literally thousands of universities around the globe, because Sean Hannity's and Mark Levin's explanation makes more sense to you.

6) You believe the whole global warming crisis is actually a get-rich-quick scheme, designed to make lots of money for fat, rich slobs like Al Gore. And you know this, because you heard it from a 325 pound man who recently signed a $400 million contract to continue broadcasting this message from his $35 million home in Florida... far away from the Polar Ice Cap, that has shrunk 40% in the last thirty years.

7) You believe torturing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was good for America, but giving him a fair trial would be bad, because then the world would see US justice in action. Huh?

8) When president Obama bowed before the King of Saudi Arabia and Emperor of Japan, you were outraged. But when George W. Bush bowed before King Abdul and kissed him on the mouth, you thought it was very proper.

9) When Dick Cheney accused president Obama of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy," and of "denying American exceptionalism" on Fox News for planning to hold KSM's trial in New York, you agreed. But you don't think that Cheney's ordering the torture of detainees (an internationally recognized war crime) is un-American, nor the exposing of an undercover agent as an act of treason, because; her husband was openly critical of Cheney's bogus WMD claims.

10) You believe that Sarah Palin, a woman who actually thought Africa was a country, is qualified to be president because she was once the governor of a state with fewer people than the city of Baltimore (even though she resigned under duress). But you don't think Barack Obama is qualified, because his speeches sound better with a TelePrompTer than without one, therefore, he should be impeached.

Wall of Idiots
Copenhagen (you decide)
Republicans and global warming
Chemical babies
Alternative autism treatment
Asian Carp
Human Irrational Decisiion Making

Links of Interest
Antarctica haven during Permian extinction
Adapting to global warming
Jesurex and here
Russian weather control
Mediterranean flood
Migrating dinosaur
Our atmosphere came from space gas
Paper battery

Pallet Playhouse
Illuminated eye loupe
Artist warmup exercise
Digital picture frames
Manly crafts
Viking spoon
US Nickel Ring

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