Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Upcoming new novel: Smilodon Country

 I have a new novel, Smilodon Country, being released on 6/25/2024. Here's the description:


In the ruins of Saint Louis, Lucio has been a Long Bottom Boy for as long as he can remember. He has scavenged. He has been hunted for food. He has eaten his fill of human prey. He has been both the abused and the abuser.

He's been okay with this.

One day he sees things differently. Can he stay? Can he leave? Where can he go? Who can he trust? Is there a place for him anywhere?

He does not know it but he is on his way to Smilodon Country.

This one has an 18+ age range.


The Amazon pre-release link is here. My website will have further links as they become available.

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