Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Come Visit Me at Boskone!

I'll be at Boskone starting 2/14 at the Seaport Weston in Boston. 


I always enjoy Boskone. There's a lot about books and science--two of my favorite subjects. Here is my schedule:


Friday, 2/14, 2:30: Biology in SF/F. I'll be on the panel with my good friend JamesCambias. That will be fun.


In addition, Fridays are free this year. 

Saturday, 2/15, 2:30: Why villains can't carry the story. To which, I say, why can't villains carry the story? I'll be on the panel with one of my heroes, Michael Swanwick.


Saturday, 2/15, 5:30 Writing and structuring a long series. This one is dear to me since pretty much everything I've been working on has been in a much larger structure.


(Picture from here.)

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