Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Convention News: Readercon 2024

 I will be at readercon this year. Readercon runs 7/11-7/14 at the Boston Quincy Marriott in Quincy, MA.

I’ll be on two panels:

  • Mosaic Novels: Sunday, 7/14, 10:00 AM, Salon B: Mosaic novels (or sometimes called braided novels) are collections of associated stories that together have a continuing narrative. My contribution was to the Future Boston series where I contributed several stories and a novel. We were telling the future history of the city of Boston.
  • Defining and Appreciating Cozy SFF, Sunday 7/14, 11:00 AM, Salon 4. Cozy SFF involves usually has small stakes rather than shaking the world. This describes most of my work.

Come one. Come all. Come often.


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