Monday, July 8, 2024

Vicious Psychopath vs Senile Grandpa

(Picture from Dall-E.)


This is not the best presidential lineup. 


On the one hand, we have Trump who promises revenge for insults and slights he invented and can only stop lying when he stops breathing. On the other, we have Biden who has trouble putting together a coherent sentence.


As I said before, vicious psychopath vs. senile grandpa.


A friend of mine texted me when the debate was over: Biden told the truth and looked weak. Trump lied and looked strong.


It’s at times like this I really don’t like the winner take all process we have in this country. Ranked voting might well still get the same result but at least there would be a slim possibility of actual choice.


I can’t vote for someone who has tried to overthrow the government, condoned violence, and lied about everything from COVID to global warming. At least with Senile Grandpa, I can rely on people he has picked. It’s picking a lesser mistake to avoid a catastrophe. 


Make no mistake: Trump is a catastrophe.


This is not the of times and the best of a presidential lineup. But I’ll put my country’s fate into the hands of dementia rather than rest it with psychosis.


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