Wednesday, July 29, 2009

TSIB July Award

I've been putting the "Wall of Idiots" links in this blog for a while. But occasionally I think that maybe some events should have a more formal recognition.

I'm creating the "The Stupid, It Burns" award. Plognark created the image here and I'm thinking of giving a gift certificate for a Plognark coffee cup to the lucky winner.

(Please note: I have no relationship with Plognark in any way. He does not endorse my mentioning his image or condone the connection to the image. Further, if he ever at any time decides I shouldn't use it, I'll drop it like a hot rock. So he's not responsible for this. I am. That said, I've purchased some of the TSIB merchandise. You should, too.)

Now, I could have just gone over the "Wall of Idiots" for a suitable candidate-- and, I'll admit it. I'm not above that. Lord knows there are enough candidates. (See below.) But sometimes fate just hands you just the right mix of idiocy and opportunity.

I'm speaking of Gates-gate.

On 7/16, Henry Louis Gates Junior, a Harvard professor who is also black and has been known to be a bit of a flashpoint, locked himself out of his house. He broke in. A 911 call was made. Police were dispatched. Something happened and Gates was arrested by the Cambridge police. See here. So: who wins the award? Henry Gates who shot off his mouth to the officer? (See also, here.) Sergeant James Crowley who decided to arrest a black man in his own home after he had produced documentation to prove he was not a burgler? Crowley has some pretty good credentials but still, arresting a man in his own home just because he's upset in his own home?

How about Ann Coulter who leaped on whatever side is White and Right regardless of facts? I especially like how she thinks the question to Obama was "planted". Or Bill Carter, who had the presence of mind to snap the picture and made $4,000 on it so far. Or Justin Barrett, a Boston police officer who actually put some nasty stuff about Gates in an email and got snagged. I mean this is the 21st century, after all. How about the police union who are perfectly happy to get on this bandwagon and would never, never admit that there might be some differences in handling calls based on race. Or even Lee Landor, a deputy press secretary in bloody New York City, who put up disparaging comments about the situation on Facebook. I mean, guys! Get a clue!

So many candidates. So little time.

I think I have to go with Obama on this one. For managing to make a nasty local flap up here in Frozen Massachusetts that was of little interest to anyone outside of the Northeast into a national and international nasty flap. I mean, come on, Obama. Everything you say is news. Anything you mention becomes elevated into national controversy. Fix it. Go have a beer.

So, for the first of possibly a couple of TSIB Awards, I am proud to award the "The Stupid, It Burns" Award for July, 2009, to Barack Obama, President of the United States of America and Leader of the Free World.


Looks like race, like religion, is another thing that can cause an IQ to drop like a paralyzed falcon.
Wall of Idiots
Patenting Genes
Eating Flipper
Misinterpreting Data
24 Hour Church of Elvis
Lies about Michelle Obama
Bill O'Reilly
Facebook more popular than porn
The world eating our clean power lunch: Here. Here.
Pop Rocks Sushi
WiFi Allergy

Weird places to visit:

Links of Interest
Money Laundering
Shrimp move the sea
Trains and America
The Patchwork Brain
Chimps appreciate music from birth
Anatomical entertainment
Ecodocks in NYC
V: Making a baby cake. Really. Way, way high on the Creep-O-Meter.
Capillary calendar
Big Bad Vortex Cannon
Stone Age Population Boom
Sweat the little things: Unexplained physical anomalies
Crocodiles on the inside: Inside Nature's Giants Part III

Cake in a Jar
Malaysian Coconut Balls
Acoustic Rain Guage and here
Orange Liqueur
Berry picker
Tissue and balsa model planes and here
Fast wooden rings

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