Monday, March 23, 2009

Ada Lovelace Day

Today is Ada Lovelace Day. (Biography here.) She suggested means by which the Charles Babbage Difference Engine could be used-- in effect, the first programmer predated the first computer by nearly a hundred years. The day is intended for recognition of women in technology.


Here's Bioephemera's contribution on Pollock fractals. Make takes the opportunity to recognize women makers. Nancy Evans preserved the heritage of human space exploration. Did it against policy, too. Finding Ada has a mashup that is fun here. The London Science Museum also has something here.

Most of the shops I've worked in have been mostly men with a smaller collection of women. I've worked in a couple of shops which were essentially boy's clubs. One boss I had volunteered that women couldn't do serious programming. He was an idiot. And, not surprisingly, a poor engineer and really bad coder. Those that can't do get threatened by people that can and marginalize them if possible.

Now I work in an environment with a government mandate to have women and minorities.

It's great.
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