Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ocean of Idiots

(Image from here)

Obama Unmasked is the latest round of right wing drivel to be dropped on my doorstep by Human Events-- the magazine that's also sent me spam for the ultimate caulking tool, how to lose weight by a number of New! Improved! Formulas! and warning me that exercise is bad for you because it hurts your lungs.

Their credibility is clearly unimpeachable.

Obama Unmasked is by Floyd Brown-- the man behind the Willie Horton ad back in the Bush I election. Among other things, it tells us the "mad billionaire" (quoted from Brown's ad) George Soros conspired with currency traders around the world to make the economy take a nose dive so Obama could get elected.

Right. Let's see. Billionaires willing to dump as much as half their net worth to get a candidate elected whose policies might just well cost them more money until things get straightened out. Yeah. These guys have the morals of a peanut maker. I bet they would lose money for some political candidate.

It's this sort of drivel that gives idiots a bad name. I'm not a conservative-- far from it. But I think conservative views have a right to be heard and deserve respect. Human Events also hosts Anne Coulter, who's so shrill bats have deserted her neighborhood and Chuck Norris, who took a few too many punches to the head. They love to lionize that fat, drooling pig, Rush Limbaugh.

Like my father said: you have to watch these guys.

Anne Coulter said she wished more people had read Mein Kampf. I did. Coulter, Norris, Brown and Limbaugh use the same sort of rhetoric: lies, half-lies, misdirections and appeals to fear and conspiracy. What next? Will Brown warn us that Obama and Soros are consorting with the World Jewish Conspiracy? Will Coulter scream out that Liberals are fronts for the Illumanti?

These people deserve nothing but contempt. Still, like televangelists and late night scam shows, somebody takes them seriously.

They bear watching.
Political Links
Baiting Limbaugh

Links of Interest
Kepler Launched
Photographs of Ruins
V:Cougar Barbie
Loop Quantum Gravity
Obama Reverses Stem Cell Ban
V: Floating Hamster Balls for Kids
100 Abandoned Houses
V: Make NYC Sailboat Competition
Szabo Ervin Library
Nathan Skiles' Cuckoo Clocks
Recognizing Life
Hamlet: The Facebook Edition
Ravishing Beasts

Wave Laptop Stand
PV Sun Tracker
Craft Robo
V: Home Brewing
Drunk Rhino
Rotting Bodies
Hand Drawn Holograms
A Do Nothing Machine

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